Viking Drillers, Inc. specializes in designing, installing, and removing temporary dewatering systems that work for your needs. We also excel in low overhead and tight access drilling. Additionally, we can provide large diameter shoring systems for prefabricated pump stations, saving you thousands of dollars over conventional shoring. Our methods are simple and quick, and some systems can be installed in one day. We will recommend the system you need to perform the work. Call (916) 742-1500 and indicate the area for your job. An estimator for that area will review your requirements.
- System Design, based on your needs and our previous years of experience
- Turnkey Operations, include all you need to start dewatering
- Conventional Dewatering Wells, up to depths of over 100′
- Various pump sizes based on site soil conditions and system layout
- Flow Meters to help monitor system output
- Super Fast service response times
- Shoring for Prefabricated Pump Stations
- Bypass Pumping
- Relief Wells
- Dry Wells
- Communication Tower Footings, Foundations & Elevator Jack Holes
- Soil Sampling
- Mineral Exploratory Drilling
Dewatering wells are used in most of our construction dewatering, whether it be a deep excavation for under ground parking or for sewer, storm drain, and water pipeline installation. The wells are drilled up to 100’+ in depth and spaced apart from one another, depending on the need, to draw the water table below the bottom cut (excavation). When electrical power is not available, Viking Drillers offers sound attenuated diesel generators along with large capacity fuel tanks. Temporary electrical cord is laid on the ground between well heads to power the submersible pumps that are appropriately sized to do the job. When the dewatering system is no longer needed, the system is removed and the water table returns to normal.